Celebrating the autumn harvest

Autumn is officially here although we’re lucky to be living in a country where summer practically lasts longer, so we get to enjoy warm autumn days that actually feel a lot like summer. And let’s be honest here, no one is ready to stay inside, not just yet, especially during these weird times and under these unfortunate circumstances that basically call for being outside!
Summer and autumn seem to coexist perfectly during this time of the year. Some days you feel like going for a swim and making the best of the last days of summer while others get you excited to be back in your favourite sweater and cosy up on the sofa with a hot cup of tea.
The weather is constantly ping-ponging between extremely warm and chilly days, and so is our mood. I love how these days prepare us for the transition from summer to winter, giving us the time to gradually get used to and accept all the changes a new season brings. These days are my chance to soak up as much sun and sea as possible and get ready for the winter to come.
Although our days are still quite warm and sunny, the first signs of autumn are starting to become more visible indicating that autumn is almost here, on our doorstep. A walk in the mountains was all I needed to feel and see two seasons coexisting perfectly, admire the miracle that is nature as it slowly and gradually transforms and shifts from summer to autumn. Vivid red tomatoes and other summer fruits and veggies are still going strong while next to them, my beautiful pumpkins (we have a few new varieties this year), apples, pears, walnuts and late plums have made their appearance.. And there’s more to come!
The autumn colour palette is simply wonderful with all these warm, deep and soft colours that have such a calming effect on us and make us feel serene and peaceful. I filled up my baskets with as many pumpkins, plums, grapes, pears, apples and aronia bears as possible.. How could I resist their beautiful colours?
For the very first time in our veggie garden we managed to grow some of my favourite pumpkin varieties. Words can't describe the joy and pride I felt when I first saw them peeking out the large pumpkin vine leaves. Around this time last year I was looking everywhere in Veneto to find seeds for them, I eventually did and now they’re here in all their glory, huge orange and green pumpkins!
With the excitement of a little child, I came home and started decorating all our tables and cute corners around the house. I filled my wire baskets with fresh, beautiful fruits, made a lovely bouquet of green-brown hydrangeas and without even realizing how and when, I ended up with my camera in hand!
Before using all these fresh fruits in my cooking, I thought of taking a few autumn pictures, because why not? It's time to welcome the new season and add those autumn vibes to your home with cosy cocooning reading corners, beautifully decorated baskets and tables and soft, earthy colours that will warm up your space (and heart!).