Tiny, Salty Croissants

Kids are my favorite people. I feel like making a kids’ recipe today, something pretty, cheerful, colorful, something sweet and salty.. Perfect for kids! Having spent the weekend with my beloved nephews, I’m feeling a bit melancholic today that they left. The house is now empty, the cute voices are gone along with all this energy, the spark, the laughter.. All this adorable mess!
I’ve always preferred the company of kids to the company of adults. My heart melts when I see babies and children. It was only natural that when I gave birth to my own baby, I dived into it and enjoyed this period more than anything! I used to love dolls when I was a kid myself, only this time I was holding the most perfect doll in the entire world! I never got tired, not even during endless all-nighters, when heavy chickenpox came to visit or when the house was filled with children and noise.
I love it when the house is filled with small, short, rubicund mini-humans, lively voices and laughter, games, arguments that end no later than five minutes, hands and faces stained with chocolate.. So many wonderful, unique moments!
What impresses me the most and makes me kids’ number one fan is their endless liveliness, their energy and spontaneity! No second thoughts.. Just authentic! Qualities that we, as adults, have long forgotten. We always think of what to say and how to say it. We even think of how much water we must consume whereas kids just drink water when they’re thirsty. The difference between us and children is so small yet our distance seems so vast!
Oh, and their imagination! This incredible, endless world where everything is possible, complicated and simple at the same time. I’m amazed by those perfectly imperfect paintings with the wonderful “I love you Mommy” signature! I love their investigative eye that sees and observes everything around them while adults seem to look at things almost superficially, without reflecting, as if they’ve lost interest. I love those infinite whys and hows, and I’ll never get tired of being there to satisfy this thirst for knowledge and experience.
Since I’ve always loved cooking, we’ve spent endless hours in the kitchen. A kitchen bursting with flours, dirty pots and baking sheets, hands dipped into doughs, aprons (that usually run big)..
Once again –even for a little while- I relived some of those sweet moments, being in the kitchen with my nephews. I heard wonderful ideas and crazy stories, I became their sous chef for a while and together we prepared beautiful tables. I soaked up so much positive energy and took a small dose of childlike joy and imagination.I wish we had the time to do more of the things we had planned and play that hidden objects game that we never managed to play!
I’m sure most mommies are already familiar with today’s recipe, but as we’ve mentioned before, this isn’t a place where new recipes are being born (even though it does happen every once in a while), it’s a place where I share a very realistic image of what’s going on in my kitchen with you. I’ve been making this recipe ever since my daughter was a kid. We’ve made this dough so many times and it’s one of those things that can save a mommy when it’s time for breakfast, dinner or school snack. Cheese croissants! I can still hear my daughter saying, “Come on, Mommy, let’s make croissants”! They’re very easy, healthy, homemade and truly delicious!
250g self-rising flour
220ml lukewarm milk or kefir
220ml seed oil
1tsp salt
1tsp sugar
1 dry yeast packet
300g finely grated feta cheese
1. Preheat the oven to 180C. Grate the feta cheese in a bowl and set it aside. Place the flour in another bigger bowl (keep some for your kitchen counter), add the yeast and stir well. Add milk or kefir, oil, salt, sugar and then feta cheese and start kneading until all ingredients are blended well and you have a soft, bendy dough.
2. Spread some flour on your kitchen counter. Divide your dough into three equal parts. Open the first ball creating a round layer of 25cm diameter (or a bit larger). Cut it into four equal parts and then eight. Now you have 8 triangles. Start slowly rolling the external part of the dough towards the center forming the shape of a croissant. Place it on a baking sheet and repeat with the rest.
3. You can also leave your dough thicker and instead of croissants, give your dough any shape you desire. It could be interesting if you made a salty daisy or heart shaped dough.
4. When you’re ready, place the baking sheet into your oven and bake at 180C for about 20-25 minutes, depending on the oven.
5. Repeat the same with the other two dough balls. You can store your baked croissants in the freezer and heat them up right before you serve them. They’ll feel and taste super fresh.