Pink Pavlova with forest berries

If we all make an attempt to reflect on the past year –as one does just before New Year’s Eve-, I bet we won’t enjoy it much! The list of unpleasant and shocking things that happened during 2020 is way too long and overshadows anything good and positive that comes to mind.
This was the most challenging, weirdest year ever and truly felt like a bad joke. It’s only natural that we’re all still feeling a bit awkward, reluctant to feel joy and worried about what’s to come, even during the holidays. This year managed to bring out all our fears and insecurities and filled our lives with stress and anxiety.
Under such circumstances, we instinctively tend to bury all the bad and ugly thoughts under good ones, try to move forward and leave the past behind. And for the most part, that’s the best thing we can do but still, it’s impossible to forget what we’ve been through. What we’re still going through.
It’s extremely important for me to think all that’s happened through and see what my experiences have taught me before I move forward and let it all go. How did these experiences change me? How was I affected emotionally? What’s to keep and what’s to leave behind? So many questions to ask myself, so many unpleasant answers.
No matter how long I think about it, I will always go back to the one thing that truly left its scar this year. The one thing that hurts the most; losing someone you love. Nothing compares to this and the pain that comes with it. The closer you were with that person, the deeper the wound. To me, that was undeniably the most shocking, traumatic event of the year.
Despite all the setbacks and hurdles of life, I always try to see the bright side of every situation, seek hope and find the valuable lessons any challenge can teach me. What shook me and changed me this time was realising that nothing and no one can be taken for granted. All the people we love, our bond with them, our relationships; we need to value this precious gift of having one another and live in the here and now!
We need to make sure our fast-paced lives or any trivial misunderstanding and disagreement don’t keep us from sharing happy moments together and expressing our feelings to each other, knowing that we won’t be here forever and should live in the present moment. That’s something I just came to realise, at 53, and I think of it as the most valuable lesson this weird year (that’s thankfully about to end) taught me.
Those reflections on the challenges and highlights of an extraordinary 2020 find me –where else?- in my kitchen, my very messy kitchen. As I’m cooking, I can’t take my mind off all the things I intend to leave behind or keep as valuable life lessons. Now it's time to focus on my mental list of new goals for the year to come!
As difficult as this year has been, it deserves a proper farewell, at least for all the lessons it gave us. That being said, I think we’re all more than ready to welcome the New Year with anticipation and unusually high expectations!
Can’t think of a better way to welcome the New Year than being with my loved ones, always keeping those who can’t join us this time in my thoughts, knowing their love warms my heart no matter where they are. New Year's Eve, a night filled with joy and laughter, happy smiles around our festive dining table and, why not, a special dessert to celebrate and welcome 2021.
Regardless of all the ambitious plans you might have made for dinner on New Year’s Eve, don’t forget that dessert always steals the show, so this is the perfect occasion to go for something a bit over-the-top, something special, like the Pavlova I made today. It tastes incredible and looks beautiful thanks to the fantastic pink colour of forest berries. Pink Pavlova is sure to delight my guests and will give a grand welcome to the New Year!
Happy New Year!
5 egg whites
250g caster sugar
Seeds from 1 vanilla pod
1tbsp corn flour
1tsp white vinegar
¼ tsp salt
2-3tbsp cold water
Pink natural food colouring
Pomegranate sauce
100ml fresh pomegranate juice
5tbsp sugar
Whipped cream
250g heavy cream
5-6tbsp caster sugar
Seeds from 1 vanilla pod
100g forest berries (raspberries, blueberries)
2-3 spearmint sprigs
1. Pavlova. Preheat the oven to 130C. Line a baking tray with baking paper on which you’ve already drawn a 16cm diameter circle. In the mixer bowl, mix the egg whites with salt. Beat on low speed. Gradually add cold water and sugar. Now increase the speed to high and whisk for 10 minutes until sugar is dissolved and the mixture is thick. Stir in vanilla, vinegar, corn flour and food colouring. Transfer the meringue onto the circle you’ve drawn on the baking paper. With a spatula cover the circle with meringue (see in pictures above). Place the tray in the oven and cook for 1 hour approx. Reduce temperature to 110C and continue cooking for another hour. Turn off the oven without opening the door and leave the meringue rest and cool completely. If possible, make the meringue the previous day so you’re not tight with time. Once the meringue cools completely, the centre will have probably lost some volume (or maybe not). With a thin knife cut the centre of the meringue and remove it (see pictures above). Don't worry if it's soft and chewy inside, that’s normal.
2. Pomegranate sauce. In a small pot combine the pomegranate juice and sugar. Bring to a boil on low heat until it thickens to a syrup consistency. Let it cool completely.
3. Place the meringue onto a serving dish and set aside. In a bowl, whisk heavy cream, sugar and vanilla until you have a thick whipped cream. Transfer the whipped cream into a piping bag.
4. Fill the centre of the meringue with whipped cream all the way to the top. This way you can cover any uneven or broken parts of the meringue. Decorate with forest berries and pour syrup over the top. Then add some spearmint leaves. Place the dessert in the refrigerator and serve cold.