Designing the Christmas Table

It’s the table that always steals the show. For the brightest holiday of the year, we create a wonderful, festive atmosphere, decorating the most impressive and glamorous table. A breathtaking scene is set to welcome our loved ones. The protagonists include our most sophisticated dinnerware, shimmering glasses, beautiful fabrics and tablecloths, all wedded to an endless array of fancy, colorful ornaments. All we need is some imagination and a bit of free time (hahha).
Christmas days and preparations are quite demanding. The obligations are many and our rhythms are often in the red. The thought of preparing the table decoration earlier is not a bad idea at all. Even though I make many plans every year for the perfect programming, there is always a lot to be done at the very last minute – Panic!
In addition to Christmas preparations, this year I also had to prepare my blog. I admit it was a very busy period. The "to do" lists in big and small sizes were countless and they still continue. In order to organize my decorations for this year, I decided to hold Christmas table decorating rehearsals earlier this year so that I can share them with you just in case you are in search of new ideas. We actually don't need an occasion to share a glass of wine with friends - girl time- but this one is a very good opportunity for friends to come to help and share the joy of the advent of the Christmas Spirit.
I think a good start is to open our cabinets, buffets, closets, and drawers so as to remember what is hidden in them before we take off for the stores. Because these are items that we don’t use on a regular basis, it’s natural that we have forgotten about them. Many times I have been amazed at what treasures I have uncovered from the depths of our closets.
A second step could be to generate a concept about how we envision our Christmas table based on our closet treasures. Surely we like changes and we keep our ears and eyes open for new decorating trends. Maybe, initially, we can mix and match the plates, the bowls, and the platters. Try new color and texture combinations. The same holds true for our ornaments. Infinite combinations can be achieved by jumbling colors, ribbons, radiant fabrics, glittering metallic balls, flowers, and winter foliage.
I personally love to use natural materials, those that we can find in nature easily and inexpensively, to create a potpourri of sparkling ornaments, ribbons, soft velvet, shiny organza, and other joyful cloths. Fresh cut branches from fir trees will bring a wonderful Christmas scent in our home. We love fresh fir but for environmental reasons, our Christmas tree is synthetic. Including some fresh branches of fir in our Christmas scene is a small luxury but it creates the best results. In addition or instead of fir you can use cedar, mistletoe or even simple branches of any tree. You will certainly find pine cones near the branches. Take as many of them as you can!! They will add to this natural feeling. If you buy a white colored spray like snow or a silver-colored spray, you can do wonders with them. For years, I have bought and used tons of white spray on all my potted plants to produce a snowy landscape but I stopped doing this because the “snow” remained on my plants until well after Easter.
So choose the colors you want to play with this year. Put your foundation in place, and then add what you like. There are no special rules as long as you let your imagination run wild. Balls and ornaments of fantastic metallic hues will give luster to the branches and flowers you have chosen. The ribbons and fabrics will just add the perfect finishing touch.
Do not forget the candles!! SOS! They create the most amazing atmosphere and should not be missing from any table or space in general! Be generous with them!! You will find them in different colors and sizes. Tall, short or scented or a combination of these, will be a gem by themselves. In recent years, I have used many wonderful battery lights. You can place one or two or even a string of them in your designs to add brilliance to your table.
Depending on the result you want to achieve - a quieter or a richer and fuller effect - you might want to decide whether you prefer your decorated table to have a “central character.” If you prefer to leave this place quiet with candles only, you can add more emphasis by decorating the dishes "peripherally." This could be a "rule." It's always pleasing to see a beautiful setting as long as it's not overloaded and tiring. Everything needs a little distance and air to breathe!! Don’t forget, the food filled platters will soon be coming. Make sure there is room for them!!
Decorate with a joyful mood!! Treat it like a game and relax. Explore new ideas and experiment before you decide. If you have children, call them to take part in this merry happening. Apart from being active and offering, they have the most imaginative and original ideas!
I personally prepare and decorate my Christmas table the day before. Every time I pass by the table, I inevitably adjust something, add something or take away something and by dinner time a lot may have changed!!
Have fun!!